CrashBoxx Test Tips
The following information is to provided for customers to consider when evaluating Crashboxx.
Bench Testing
The device must be aligned. This can be done by either driving a vehicle with the device installed for approximately 3 km. The alignment can be checked by AT command or SMS as listed below. Responses of BEST or AVG are good, but if you get NOT RDY, then additional driving is needed. It is possible to force alignment for testing with the AT command AT#ALIGNOVR. This is a temporary command to force alignment to run a test but alignment is lost if the device resets or loses power. (FW 7.2a or higher)
a. SMS: !rq
b. AT: atia -
The device must be connected to EXTERNAL 12 V power during the test. We have this built in to prevent many false reports when someone unplugs a device that has been driven and aligned and then drops it in the cup holder or on the floor and sending multiple events unnecessarily. If the device is disconnected from external 12 V power before the test, no crash data will be sent to the server.
Once 1 and 2 are satisfied performing a test that will send data to the server is quite easy. A simple drop of the device on the desktop will send data to the server. Fooling the system to send a crash alert is more difficult. When the data reaches the server we have a number of filters and algorithms that look at the data and determine if it is, or is not, a crash. The acceleration profile generated has to have both sufficient peak acceleration and long enough duration to fool the system into thinking it is a crash.
a. It is possible to simulate a crash by holding the LMU in one hand and striking that hand with your other hand.
b. It is also possible to build a test rig for this purpose that provides both high enough acceleration and long enough duration to create very light or light crash reports.
Testing during a drive -
Items 1 and 2 from Bench Testing Tips must be followed for a successful test while driving.
By using an extension cable plugged into the vehicle OBD2 port and then into the LMU device to be tested, align the device by driving.
Once the device is aligned, dropping the device onto an interior surface of the vehicle will cause data to be sent to the server. In order to generate an actual crash alert the impact to the vehicle interior surface must have both high enough acceleration and long enough duration to fool the system into determining the event to be a real crash. This is a bit tricky - but impacting the device into a seat cushion that allows for a more gradual slow down of the device sometimes will be sufficient to elongate the impact enough to create an alert to be generated. Alternatively you can place the device onto your left hand and then sharply impact the side of the device with your right hand. Make sure that you are driving in an area with no other traffic to avoid causing an actual crash alert to be sent out!
Vehicle Crash testing
- The device must be at Operational status on PULS for “Instant Crash Notification”:
- The device must be aligned prior to the test. Ideally this can be done by driving the actual crash test vehicle for approximately 2 miles or 3.2 Km. Alignment can be verified by using AT command ATIA or by SMS command !rq (BEST or AVG are acceptable – NOT RDY means additional driving is needed to align the device)
- Once alignment is achieved the device must remain powered up with external 12 V power or the internal battery. If the internal battery is allowed to drain then alignment will reset to NOT RDY.
- The device must be rigidly mounted in the same orientation for the test as it was mounted for alignment.
- The device must be connected to external 12 V power during the impact or the crash data will not be generated and sent.
- The device will retain the alignment for additional tests as long as it is continuously powered.
- If the device is moved to another vehicle with the same mounting orientation then no additional alignment need be done as long as continuous power is maintained.
- If the device is moved to another vehicle with a different mounting orientation, then the device will need to be re-aligned to this new position. It is best to reset the device prior to re-aligning so you will know when the new alignment has completed. This can be done by sending the AT command ATRESET or the SMS command !r3,70,0 then align as in step 2 above.
- Greater than 5mph (8 kph) DV (Delta V – Change in Velocity) is typically needed to generate a crash report.
- For car to car testing the target car should have the hand brake on or be in Park.
Updated almost 4 years ago